My posts in recent past have been about the MovieManiax Awards. The response has been tremendous. Close to 250 people have voted so far and coming to think of it, it’s just been 7 days since the voting went live. I thank each one of you for the support and spreading the word. Those who still have not voted, please click here to choose the Best in Hindi Cinema for 2008.
Now, below are the gazillion things you really would not be interested in knowing about me. However, I have been tagged to do so by friends and I myself am quite eager to do it. Somewhere, some kind soul I hope would be really interested in knowing about me. What you see below are the two tags; 25 Random Things and 100 Things About Me. And I thought of doing both at one go.
25 Random Things
1) I eat very less. I eat twice a day with no in-between snacks/juices.
2) I sleep even lesser. I sleep 5-6 hours on an average basis.
3) I sleep with six pillows to be exact; all positioned tactically at right places.
4) I suffer from mild OCD when it comes to CDs, books, shoes and in particular pillows. They have to be arranged in a particular manner. That’s why I find it hard to sleep at others place if I am not given the room to myself.
5) When I get drunk:
• I dance till I am lifted and taken away or the music is stopped OR
• I start giving a sheepish smile to everyone I come across OR
• I start singing aloud
6) I do not like gifting or receiving flowers/chocolates, candle-light dinner or any such fad. I am romantic person in my own way. All my ex-lovers will vouch for that.
7) I made my first buck when I was 10. The amount was 150 Rupees.
8) When I was 10 or 11, I used to hit kids younger than me for no reasons. I was sent back home more than dozen times for this crime.
9) I once watched movies nonstop for 72 Hours plus with just 15-16 hours of sleep in-between. (Of course on DVDs)
10) I watch 90% of the new releases First Day First Show and for the rest I have no qualms in knowing the story/climax; in fact I ask for it. For me, it doesn’t ruin the fun. Similarly, I have no uneasiness in knowing the bottom line of any book.
11) I have seen Dev.D 5 times in theater since its release for the reason that I loved the movie and I believe if you love the movie, you should watch it as many times as possible in theater. Once, it’s gone from theaters you will never experience the same anywhere. You buy home theater, or whatever, a theater experience is unique. The last such movie was Company that I saw 7 times in theater.
12) I absolutely love Abhay Deol, Kareena Kapoor and Rakhi Sawant (in that order).
13) My brother and I made 1000 plus bucks by selling the tickets of Titanic in black.
14) I was voted ‘The Best Junior’ by seniors in my first year of Engineering. For my birthday that year, I received gifts every hour. I did not sleep a wink that day.
15) Knowingly or unknowingly I have played match-maker amongst my friends (Mind it, not a pimp) with a success-to-failure ratio of 5-to-2.
16) I am University Gold Medalist in B.E. (Instrumentation Technology). (This I told as this is one thing every one gets freaked out at whenever I tell; my own family laughed it off when I called and told them. So, there is something for you to LOL too… hehe)
17) I was addicted to Dope and Popeye in my last year of Engineering.
18) I once walked 12 KMs in monstrous rain with no rain coat or umbrella at 4 in morning.
19) I am a live wire, Party Ki Jaan (as friends say).
20) I quit my first job at a whim and traveled across India for three months.
21) I am extremely good with numbers. I see number plate of the vehicle in front of me and I start fiddling with them in mind. I am completely obsessed with numbers 3 and 7.
22) I have to listen to any song just twice and I can sing-along from third time even after a gap of a decade or more of listening to them.
23) I get impatient when I am doing anything apart from watching movies or any human. I can watch people anywhere continuously for hours without doing anything else. Even if it is one person I am watching I can do it for hours together.
24) I have been hit-on by both the sexes.
25) I got indulged in orgy (more than once).
100 Things
1. Last beverage → Vodka with Sprite & Ice.
2. Last phone call--> 30 minutes ago
3. Last text message→ An hour ago
4. Last song you listened to→ Dhoop Ke Sikke from Sikandar
5. Last time you cried→ 2 months ago
1. Dated someone twice → Yes, I never had sad-break up ever.
2. Been cheated on? → Yes
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? → Yes, my lips touched a dog's (or was it bitch) lips and I almost puked.
4. Lost someone special? → Yes
5. Been depressed?→ Yes
6. Been drunk and threw up? → Yes, twice and out of that once was on my brother's lap.
1. Made new friends → Yes. And currently I have new ones only
2. Fallen out of love → Yes.
3. Laughed until you cried → No
4. Met someone who changed you → No. Initially I feel I am changed but I am back to my normal self and eventually they all get changed.
5. Found out who your true friends were → Yes
6. Found out someone was talking about you → Yes, Very often I get update on that. I have my loyalists spread over
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → Yes, so many of them. And I stopped using Orkut much cuz of the confusion n chaos I was getting into.
8. Made the first Move → Yes
10. Do you have any pets → Nopes, and will never have and I hate other's pets as well. Don't ever ask me to mollycoddle your pet please.
11. Do you want to change your name → No
12. What did you do for your last birthday → Had all-night party with friends, Danced, Got drunk, danced more and did a strip show on request.
13. What time did you wake up today – 12:30 PM
14. What were you doing at midnight last night→ Watching ‘Milk’.
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Friday
16. Last time you saw your father → Yesterday
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Be more patient and forgiving
18. Most visited webpage → News Sites, Facebook and PassionForCinema apart from personal ones
1. What's your name→ Vivek
2. Nicknames→ Veekey, Vee and Monu.
4. Zodiac sign → Aquarius
5. Male or female or transgendered → Male
6. Elementary→ Kendriya Vidyalaya Gurgaon
7. Schools → Kendriya Vidyalaya Kasauli (Himachal) and KV ASC (S) Bangalore
8. Colleges → UBDT College of Engineering, Davangere, Karnataka
10. Hair color → Originally Black, now Copper Brown
11. Long or short → Keeps changing. Now long
16. Height → 5'8”
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes, The current count is 2.
18: Ever been in love? Yes, twice
19. Piercings → Left Ear
20. Tattoos → Yes, Dragon on left arm
21. Righty or lefty → Righty
23. First piercing → Left Ear
24. First best friends → Sanjay
26. First sport you joined: Cricket and Kabaddi (either one of them)
27. First pet → Never had
28. First vacation → Don’t remember exactly, my ancestral home in Patna I guess.
29. First concert → Don’t remember exactly, Either Parikrama or Indian Ocean. Loads after that
30. First crush --> Sarita
49. Eating → ? What can I say for first eating?
50. Drinking → ? again….??? Same as above.
52. I'm about to → watch a movie
53. Listening to--> First would be songs of Aashiqui, currently Gulaal and Sikandar
58. Want kids? --> No
59. Want to get married ? --> No
60. Careers in mind? --> Writing, Actor, Gigolo
68. Lips or eyes → Lips
69. Hugs or kisses→ Kisses
70. Shorter or taller → Any
71. Older or Younger → Any
72. Romantic or spontaneous → Whichever as long as good in bed
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → Any
74. Sensitive or loud → BOTH
75. Hook-up or relationship → Hook-Ups
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker
78. Kissed a stranger → Yes, Bus and Train journeys used to be so awesome.
79. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes both Glasses and contacts, many times.
81. Sex on first date → Yes, if mutual.
82. Broken someone's heart → Yes, Why do you think I dated someone twice.
83. Had your own heart broken → Yes, Someone else dated me twice for that very reason
85. Been arrested → No
86. Turned someone down → Yes
87. Cried when someone died → Yes
88. Liked a friend that is a girl/boy? → Made friends with both the sexes
89. Yourself → Of course, Yes
90. Miracles → Never experienced. So, No
91. Love at first sight → No
92. Heaven → No.
93. Santa Clause → No
94. Peace in this lifetime→ No
95. Kissing on the first date? → Why not, if date is too mouth-watering
96. Angels → No
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? --> No.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time in the past? --> Yes
99. You will die Young→ Yes, I have that fear.
100. You will end with the one you love and learn to love the one you are with – What? So confusing.
P.S. This one was actually more than 100.
P.S. 2 - 25 Random Things I guess most have finished, so for the 100 Things one (129 actually), I tag Vimal, Poonam, Varun, Rakesh, V and Reema.
P.S. 3 - I watched Gulaal twice already and I guess I will go for at least one more viewing before I write on it.
Domestic Abuse: Clickbait
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